Now nearly 13 years in the making, Math & Pencil has built a lot of software. We were involved in early social media data mining and predictive analytics, created medical equipment simulation applications, and have been the team behind startups in the public relations, fashion, cat-bond trading, and restuarant industries.
After several years we settled into a niche of building large-scale business solutions. For the past decade our worked has focued on two primary sectors; Property Insurance and Medicare Compliance. Both fields have required quick understanding of the intricacies within each industry as well as the needs of stakeholders in order to efficiently design and build effective, robust software solutions.
We pride ourselves on our voracious appetites for learning, quickly reaching deep understanding of business goals and requirements, while also being enjoyable folks to share a coffee, walk, or beer with. Once a problem is digested we leverage cutting edge technology stacks to create better systems of work... which (hopefully) lead to increased profitably and ultimately happier work environments.